September 27, 2024

Engineering the Future: Alumni Spotlight with Avi Okon ‘97

Avi Okon ‘97 is a member of the technical staff in the Robotics Hardware Group at the renowned Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). His experiences have varied from robotic hardware design to robotic force control algorthim development. He currently holds the position of Cognizant Engineer of the SPaH hardware for the Mars Science Laboratory flight mission. Avi’s journey from Oakwood to JPL is nothing short of inspiring. Read below as he shares how the creativity and individuality fostered by Oakwood School helped shape his career, his favorite memories from school, and valuable advice for young people aspiring to enter the fields of engineering and science.

How did your time at Oakwood help to prepare or impact you for your current career, activities, friends, etc.?

Through my time at Oakwood I was able to hone my creativity and individuality.  I also became aware of the impact we can make in the world.  

Did you know what you wanted to study/focus on academically when you graduated from Oakwood? 

Yes, I had a very clear idea that I wanted to study engineering with an emphasis on robotics since I was in elementary school. 

Is there anything that you participated in at Oakwood that isn’t directly related to what you do now, but helped you explore/become the person you are today?

My involvement in technical theater really helped me hone my technical and inventive/ creative abilities.  Also, the many hours working on sets and rehearsals strengthened my teamwork skills and grit. 

Did you have a favorite class or teacher at Oakwood? 

Technical theater with Jeff Warren. 

What do you love most about what you’re doing now? 

I get to use my creativity and technical skills on really difficult problems developing robotic systems that explore new frontiers, expanding the understanding of the universe for the entire human race. I do this in collaboration with other extremely devoted and talented people. I get to mentor the staff and foster the culture at a one-of-kind institution: JPL, a national treasure. 

What advice do you have for young people who want to go into engineering or a scientific field?

Stay curious! Find a field that fuels your passion. There are so many ways that science and technology can make the world a better place.

What is a professional highlight of your career?

I have had a number of complex space robotic mission successes over the years and a few NASA honors awards medals to go with it, but the best is when the robotic drill I developed for the Curiosity Rover successfully operated on Mars. That technical achievement and subsequent science discoveries about Mars were groundbreaking (Pun, partially intended!). I also love seeing the fruits of my labor depicted in my children’s books. 

Do you have a favorite moment or a fun memory to share from your time at Oakwood?

I fondly remember receiving a tool-laden toolbelt after clocking in a substantial number of tech hours. I still have and use those tools today. 

NASA Mars Rover Curiosity