The end of the school year provides an ideal moment to reflect on the meaningful ways that Oakwood engages in the work of diversity, equity, and inclusion. As our retiring Director of DEI Programs Linda Rose-Winters puts it:
Anti-Racism at Oakwood School
“Our DEI efforts reflected and connected directly to the origins and the foundations of Oakwood School. We’re a social justice institution. It’s in our DNA, we can’t help it.”
This past year, the depth and breadth of Oakwood’s commitment were demonstrated in an assortment of initiatives. And they were carried out by the many people in our community who engaged wholeheartedly in every education event, training, book group, and affinity gathering.

We are proud to share this publication which is an overview of recent ways that Oakwood has engaged in the work of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. It also celebrates the leaders, Linda Rose-Winters and others, who have established the legacies that this work is built upon. It is by no means comprehensive or complete. We present these initiatives to strategically map Oakwood Schools’ progress and to determine the best way forward.