Welcome to another installment of DEI Beats, a series from the Parent Organization Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee. Enjoy the following reflections on Black History Month:
Seeing Black History Month
Oakwood Students don’t just recognize Black History Month, they celebrate what makes us great—the fact that Black history is American history. This shared narrative brings excitement and meaning to all the amazing cultural, performing art and scientific contributions made by African, African American and Multiracial African American people.

The PODEI Black History Month committee has been busy decorating the elementary campus and preparing for a month full of exciting and interactive events to engage the students in culturally significant art, music, and literature. Throughout the month, various speakers and performing artists will be on campus to share their stories and their skills. The elementary campus assembly on February 21st will be an immersive experience with a step show, African drummers, and tap dancers. The National Read-In will immediately follow the assembly with guest readers assigned to each grade.

During weekly town meetings at the secondary campus, faculty shared the origins and purpose of BHM and acknowledged the significant contributions Black people have made in every discipline taught at Oakwood. Daily, the secondary digital screens feature the stories and accomplishments of notable and unsung African Americans who have impacted American history. This month is for all of us as we celebrate the achievements of the past and create change-makers for the future.